August 22, 2008

Mercworx Knives

MOA Performance are proud to import and distribute Mercworx knives to the Australian outdoor enthusiast.

Mercworx knives arguably make the best tactical and hard use knife in the market. It is not a custom knife and it is not a production knife. Mercworx has been available to the tactical community for more than 2 decades and have only been available commercially for the past few years. In their short commercial sales history, Mercworx has blurred the line between the manufactured and custom end of the knife industry, and in the process has created the ‘Factory Custom’ knife.

Each knife is crafted by one knife maker who does all of the grinding, sculpting, sanding, fitting, fabrication and final finishing at their New Jersey facility. The same process as a custom knife maker.

Mercworx make both fixed blade and folding knives.  A full complement of blade sizes are offered to best meet the users desired application.  Models offered include the following.

Folder: Atropos Clotho, Lachesis, Saevus(not offered) 

Fixed Blade: Vorax, Tanto, Sniper, Goliath, Orian, Proeliator, Seraphym (not available), Shiva, David, Equatorian, Golgotha.

The Mercworx blade style is a hybrid of the Roman Gladius dagger with bulbous Filipino Bola, which combines tactical qualities with practical utility application.

The Mercworx Blade Profile is shown below.

1. Flared double edge tip for maximum wound channel.
2. .250" thick land area for maximum prying and chopping strength.
3. High grade 154 CM steel for maximum edge retention and toughness.
4. Distinctive MW etched logo assuring you of a superb quality, handmade knife, at a very reasonable price point.
5. "High satin" finish, assuring your knife was brought to a bright finish and inspected for even the most minute flaws. Also provides superior corrosion resistance to sand or bead blast finishes and is easily cleaned and refinished in the field with 3M-scotch brite pad.
6. Radius thumb stop provides ideal angle for solid forward "rapier" grip and improved comfort and stability in "reverse" grip.
7. Holes for cord facilitate easy lashing to pole for a pike or spear or for a lanyard.
8. Smooth micarta handles for greater comfort during heavy extensive use.
9. Stainless steel "tube" fasteners for a secure redundant scale attachment.
10. Ergonomic handle profile for sure, positive grip during stress, and or while palm is slippery or wet.
11. Primed and cured silicone adhesive for positive attachment without freeze or other high temperature variant ops.
12. Minimal choil to raise the grind line for a better sharpening angle, while maximizing useable edge surface.
13. Re-curve for superior cutting and chopping performance.
14. Hollow ground "beyond peak" for superior edge retention and long re-sharpening life.

If you would like further information about these fabulous knives, please keep referring to our website and/or email us at

August 1, 2008

On Target Shooting Software

MOA Performance has been playing around with a new free software package by On Target Shooting Software that can accurately measure the size of your group.

It took MOA Performance about 10 minutes to download the package, scan a group (see below) which was then measured and fully analysed by the software to provide the actual group size.  The results are provided in both inches and MOA. Now you can verify the measurement you have made at the range by your calipers.

The above is a 3 shot group from a AI AW 308 shooting from a bench at 100yds using Black Hills factory ammunition.

The above group is 5 shots at 50yds from an Infinity AET IMM Compensated barrel with a 4 port barrel and a 3 port Titanium compensator.  The barrel was being tested from a fixture with reloads and will be included in a new SVI Infinity IPSC Open Gun for MOA Performance. 

The beauty of the software is that it is straightforward to use.  You simply download a scan or photo of your target.  The program requires you, with assistance by its built in tools, to input some rudimentary data to accurately calculate your group size at the distance you were shooting. The inputs required are:

  • Setting the target distance
  • Set the centre of each shot, and
  • Nominate the calibre to obtain the correct bullet hole size to measure.

Once you've marked each bullet hole the program automatically calculates group centre, maximum group spread, average distance to centre, group width and height, and group offset from point of aim. The program can also measures multiple groups on the same target. A text box is then produced that summarises all the main input data.

The program worked with calibres from .17 to .451.  However, if you have an odd calibre you are able to customise that calibre in the software.

Although accurate, the photographs and the scanned targets should not be too distorted or slight errors in measurement will occur.  Therefore, when taking photographs, try and make sure you are taking them straight on and not at an angle.

The program is helpful for measuring groups with widely dispersed bullet holes. The program automatically finds the two most distant shots. You can't mistakenly pick the wrong pair of shots to measure.

The software works well when plotting a large number of shots that overlap or for plotting very small calibres such as .17. Since you are able to increase the target image by more than 500%, you can see fine details, allowing you to plot shots that may have been too difficult to identify with traditional measuring means.

In addition, the program also calculates average shot distance from centre (ATC). This can be useful for shooters who need to be as close to the centre of the target as possible.

If you want to know more about the new software go to and have some fun.  The website has a streamed video tutorial that takes the operator through the steps on how to use the system. It visually demonstrates all the key processes you need to undertake.